====================================================================== Title : The Garden of Duke Author : Rippaman E-mail : zachd98@concentric.net Web Page : nope Description : Yep, you saw right... Duke has taken over the garden of eden and turned it into his own personal killing ground. Its still a pretty place, but of course its your job to mess it up with your friends guts all over the walls due to an rpg blast. Have fun!! Additional Credits to : I thank no one but myself ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : nah DukeMatch Level : hell yea man Difficulty Settings : none * Construction * Time To Complete : 1 freakin day, damn im good Base : From scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : Nada * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: none BBS numbers: yea right Other: I have made 3 other maps which may be floating around in cyber-space blastin.map ripp2.map rippaman.map they are all designed for dukematch and I know you will like them, if you need them you can either look for them on filefactory, Lazers place http://members.aol.com/lazer711/index.html [props to lazer] or email me at zachd98@concentric.net thankx ===========================================================================